Chargeback Management
& Prevention


Card Verification Value (CVV)

In the age of online shopping, credit card brands have had to get serious about security. One solution they’ve rolled out is the CVV-–the Card


Address Verification System (AVS)

If your business depends primarily on online orders,then perhaps you’ve come across the acronym AVS. AVS stands for “AddressVerification System” and it is a fraud


Chargeback Monitoring Program

Does your business receive more than its fair share of chargebacks? Credit card associations are paying attention. Most card associations monitor merchant activity on a


American Express Chargeback Dispute Process

American Express chargeback disputes work differently than Visa and Mastercard. One of the main reasons American Express chargeback disputes differ is because American Express operates


Chargeback Reversals

As a business owner, your first priority should be keeping as much profit as you can, and that includes minimizing the number of chargebacks you

Visa Reason Codes

Visa reason codes are a string of numbers assigned to different explanations for chargebacks. All card brands have their own reason codes, and they’re meant


Visa Chargeback Resolution Process

Visa changed the dispute process for chargebacks in 2017, due to the high volume of chargebacks they encounter. Visa’s overall goal is to resolve disputes


Second Presentment

In commerce, presentment refers to furnishing a bill, note, or other document as for acceptance or payment. In most transactions, a merchant usually only needs



Usually, when a merchant account is terminated, the merchant’s name and business is listed on MATCH—Member Alert to Control High Risk. Ending up on MATCH


Retrieval Requests

When a bank or credit card company contacts a merchant to inquire about a transaction, this action is called a retrieval request, or sometimes a


MasterCard Reason Codes

No business is immune to chargebacks. Chargebacks occur when a customer disputes a transaction. Customers may dispute transactions for a number of reasons, including non-delivery


Chargeback Arbitration

What is Chargeback Arbitration? When a bank, cardholder or merchant can’t resolve a dispute on their own, you may advance along the process to the

EMV Liability Shift

In the last few years, we entered a brand-new era in card technology. This new wave of EMV technology propelled us decades ahead of magnetic

Chargeback Ratios

Whether you’re a high-risk or low-risk merchant – chargebacks apply to everyone. Not only do chargebacks harm your bottom line, but they can also negatively

EMV Fallback

Card brands started rolling out cards with EMV chips in late 2015 in the United States. These chips were developed by Europay, MasterCard, and Visa