Clearing & Settlement July 2020 Card Brand Enhancements: Card Brand Fees


U.S. Acquirer Pricing Modified for Account Verification and Authorization Reversal

Visa announced in a Visa Business News dated October 10, 2019, that modifications will be made to the U.S. Acquirer Authorization Verification Fees and extend the Network Acquirer Process Fee to include U.S.acquirer authorization reversals.

Effective July 1, 2020:

A new fee will be introduced to support the Domestic Debit Account Verification Fee.

  • A new fee will be introduced to support the Domestic Debit Account Verification Fee.
  • The rate and description of the existing Domestic Credit Account Verification Fee will change.
  • A new Domestic Debit Authorization Reversal Fee will be created.
  • A new Domestic Credit Authorization Reversal Fee will be created
  • A new International Debit Authorization Reversal Fee will be created.
  • A new International Credit Authorization Reversal Fee will be created

On March 26, 2020, the new card brand fees will be available in PPM. Description and rate changes will be implemented on April 1,2020.

Acquirer International Fees Modified for Card Not Present Transactions

Visa announced in a Visa Business News dated October 10,2019, that effective April 1, 2020, they will adjust the Acquirer International fees for CNP transactions in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Current acquirer international fee assessments will remain at existing rates for card present transactions and a new fee will be applied to CNP transactions.

International Acquirer Service Fee Rate Increase in Canada

Visa announced in a Visa Business News dated September 26,2019, that effective April 18, 2020, the International Acquirer Service Fee assessed for international transactions in Canada will increase by 20 basis points.

Current Fee Program Name (PPM Description Name) Fee Program Name (PPM Description Name) IC Level Current Rate New Rate Difference in Rate
International Auth Verification International Acct Verification N/A 0.00% + $0.025 0.00% + $0.070 +$0.045
N/A Domestic Acct Verification Debit N/A N/A 0.00% + $0.030 N/A
Domestic Auth Verification Domestic Acct Verification Credit N/A 0.00% + $0.025 0.00% + $0.035 +$0.010
N/A NAPF DOM Debit Auth Reversal N/A N/A 0.00% + $0.0155 N/A
N/A NAPF INTL Debit Auth Reversal N/A N/A 0.00% + $0.0355 N/A
N/A NAPF INTL Credit Auth Reversal N/A N/A 0.00% + $0.0395 N/A
N/A NPAF DOM Credit Auth Reversal N/A N/A 0.00% + $0.0195 N/A
N/A LAC International Acquirer Fee Enh Sale CNP 1V4 N/A 1.00% + $0.00 N/A


Revised Acquirer Assessment Fee

Discover will revise the Acquirer Assessment Fee. TSYS Acquiring Solutions will support the rate changes in PPM.

Current Fee Program Name (PPM Description Name) Current Rate New Rate Difference in Rate
Discover Acquirer Assessment Fee 0.130% + $0.00 0.140% + $0.00 +0.010%

New Acquirer Fee for Program Integrity Fee

Discover is introducing a new Program Integrity Fee for all transactions submitted or downgraded to the Mid Submission Level and U.S. Base Submission Level programs for card sales.

Current Fee Program Name (PPM Description Name) New Rate
DS Program Integrity Fee 0.00% + $0.05